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Journal Papers (refereed)


Y. Ding, Q. Yang, Y. Li, Z. Yang, Z. Wang, H. Liang, and S. T. Wu. "(Review paper) Waveguide-based augmented reality displays: perspectives and challenges". eLight 3, 24


Farshid Ashtiani, Mohamad Hossein Idjadi, Ting-Chen Hu, Stefano Grillanda, David Neilson, Mark Earnshaw, Mark Cappuzzo, Rose Kopf, Alaric Tate, and Andrea Blanco-Redondo. "A surface-normal photodetector as nonlinear activation function in diffractive optical neural networks". APL Photonics 8 (12)


Cosmin-Constantin Popescu, Khôi Phuong Ðào, Luigi Ranno, Brian Mills, Louis Martin, Yifei Zhang, David Bono. Brian Neltner, Tian Gu, Juejun Hu, Kiumars Aryana, William M. Humphreys, Hyun Jung Kim, Steven Vitale, Paul Miller, Christopher Roberts, Sarah Geiger, Dennis Callahan, Michael Moebius, Myungkoo Kang, Kathleen A. Richardson, Carlos A. Ríos Ocampo,. "An Open-Source Multi-functional Testing Platform for Optical Phase Change Materials". Small Science vol3 (issue 12)


Li, YF (Li, Youfa) [1] ; Fan, SL (Fan, Shengli) [2] ; Han, DG (Han, Deguang) [3]. "Determination of compactly supported functions in shift-invariant space by single-angle Radon samples". Journal of Functional Analysis 285(11)


Eikenberry, S. "GWTC-3: Compact Binary Coalescences Observed by LIGO and Virgo during the Second Part of the Third Observing Run". Physical Review X 13(4)


Schulte, A (Schulte, Alfons) [1] , [2] ; Modak, S (Modak, Sushrut) [1] ; Landa, Y (Landa, Yander) [1] ; Atman, A (Atman, Atman) [1] ; Li, JS (Li, Jian-Sian) [3] ; Chiang, CC (Chiang, Chao-Ching) [3] ; Ren, F (Ren, Fan) [3] ; Pearton, SJ (Pearton, Stephen J.) [4] ; Chernyak, L (Chernyak, Leonid). "Impact of Solid-State Charge Injection on Spectral Photoresponse of NiO/Ga2O3 p-n Heterojunction". Condensed Matter 8(4)


Daniel Cruz-Delgado, Stephanos Yerolatsitis, Nicolas K. Fontaine, Demetrios N. Christodoulides, Rodrigo Amezcua-Correa and Miguel A. Bandres,. "Optics and Photonics News, Optics in 2023: Synthesis of Ultrafast Spatiotemporal Pulses.". Optica, Optics & Photonics News


Acevedo, CH (Acevedo, Cristian Hernando) [1] ; Eshaghi, M (Eshaghi, Mahdi) [1] ; Dogariu, A (Dogariu, Aristide) [1]. "Propagation of asymmetric optical vortex beams through turbulence and evolution of their OAM spectra". Journal of the Optical Society of America A-Optics Image Science and Vision 40(12) pp.2135-2145


J. Follansbee, D. Burrell, O. Furxhi, C. K. Renshaw and R. Driggers. "Radiometry and contrast-to-noise ratio for continuous wave and laser range gated active imaging systems". Applied Optics 62 (35), 9317


Papadakis, CM (Papadakis, Christine M.) [1] ; Niebuur, BJ (Niebuur, Bart-Jan) [1] , [2] ; Schulte, A (Schulte, Alfons) [3] , [4]. "Thermoresponsive Polymers under Pressure with a Focus on Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAM)". Langmuir 40(1) pp.1-20


Jie Zhao, Xiaoting Li, Ting-Chen Hu, Ayed Al Sayem, Haochuan Li, Alaric Tate, Kwangwoong Kim, Rose Kopf, Pouria Sanjari, Mark Earnshaw, Nicolas K Fontaine, Cheng Wang, and Andrea Blanco-Redondo. "Unveiling the origins of quasi-phase matching spectral imperfections in thin-film lithium niobate frequency doublers". APL Photonics 8, 126106 (2023)


Ding, YQ (Ding, Yuqian) [1] ; Yang, Q (Yang, Qian) [1] ; Li, YNQ (Li, Yannanqi) [1] ; Yang, ZY (Yang, Zhiyong) [1] ; Wang, ZY (Wang, Zhengyang) [2] ; Liang, HW (Liang, Haowen) [2] ; Wu, ST (Wu, Shin-Tson) [1]. "Waveguide-based augmented reality displays: perspectives and challenges". Elight 3(1)


B. Butkus, A. Kostogiannes, A. Howe, M. Kang, R. Gaume, K. A. Richardson, P. Banerjee,. "Zinc Sulfide CVD Optical Ceramic Analyzed by XPS"". Surface Science Spectra, 30(2) (2023)


Saiham, D (Saiham, Dewan) [1] ; Zhu, ZY (Zhu, Zheyuan) [1] ; Klein, AB (Klein, Andrew b.) [1] ; Pang, SS (Pang, Shuo s.) [1]. "Accelerated fixed-point iterative reconstruction for fiber borescope imaging". Optics Express, 31(23) pp.38355-38364


Randazzo, JM (Randazzo, Juan M.) [1] , [2] , [4] ; Marante, C (Marante, Carlos) [1] , [2] ; Chattopadhyay, S (Chattopadhyay, Siddhartha) [1] , [2] ; Schneider, BI (Schneider, Barry I.) [3] ; Olsen, J (Olsen, Jeppe) [5] , [6] ; Argenti, L (Argenti, Luca) [1] , [2]. "ASTRA: Transition-density-matrix approach to molecular ionization". Physical Review Research 5(4)


Wiley, L (Wiley, Lindsey) [1] ; Cavanaugh, R (Cavanaugh, Richard) [1] ; Follansbee, J (Follansbee, Joshua) [1] ; Burrell, D (Burrell, Derek) [1] ; Grimming, R (Grimming, Robert) [2] ; Pimpinella, R (Pimpinella, Rich) [3] ; Voss, J (Voss, Jeff) [3] ; Furxhi, O (Furxhi, Orges) [4] ; Driggers, R (Driggers, Ronald) [1]. "Comparison of reflective band (Vis, NIR, SWIR, eSWIR) performance in daytime reduced illumination conditions". Applied Optics 62(31) pp.8316-8326


S. Jordan, R. Driggers, O. Furxhi, P. Leslie, C. Cavanaugh, K. Renshaw and E. Jacobs. "Comparison of Scene Contrast Temperature in MWIR and LWIR". Optical Engineering 62(11), 113107


Y. Huang and S. T. Wu. "High fidelity mini-LED backlit liquid crystal displays". Liq. Cryst. Today 32(2), 25-37


D. Konnov, A. Muraviev, S. Vasilyev, K.L. Vodopyanov. "High-resolution frequency-comb spectroscopy with electro-optic sampling and instantaneous octave-wide coverage across mid-IR to THz at a video rate". APL Photonics 8, 110801 (featured article)


Gittin, JW; Chen, Y; Arnold, S; Augustyn,V; Balducci, A; Brousse, T; Frackowiak, E; Gomez-Romero, P; Kanwade, A; Kops, L; Jha, PK; Lyu,D; Meo, M; Pandey, D; Pang, Le; Presser, V; Rapisarda, M; Rueda-Garcia, D; Saeed, S; Shirage, PM; Sleskinski, A; Soavi, F; Thomas, J; Titirici, Maria-Magdalena; Wang, Honxia; Xu, Z; Yu, AP; Zang, MW; Forse, AC. "Interlaboratory study assessing the analysis of supercapacitor electrochemistry data". Journal of Power Sources
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